Понедельник , 21 октября 2024
Бизнес советы / Заведение всегда выигрывает wow – Заведение всегда выигрывает — Миссия

Заведение всегда выигрывает wow – Заведение всегда выигрывает — Миссия


Заведение всегда выигрывает — Миссия


Комментарий от Kendrubbin

The mission’s namesake comes from a term used when gambling, wherein you’ll find it is far easier to lose your money than to make more from casinos and the like — thus, the house will always be better off than its patrons in the end.

Комментарий от Frostbolter

I would save your GR and only buy only one Ghostly Spyglass for this mission. It seemed to either give only a 5% counter bonus compared to the usual 6% (or maybe it was a rounding error). I would have hoped for something > 6% for something that cost 1,000GR.

Regardless, until they pump up the success bonus of this 1,000GR item, only buy the one for this mission.

Комментарий от sakera

I am doing this mission right now and it is costing 0 Нефть instead of the 5 Нефть shown above.

EDIT: Cost information shows as 0 Нефть now.

Комментарий от Addleonge

Failed this mission at 93% and it was gone! I thought missions don’t despawn if you fail them.

Unless the duration expired while the mission is in progress……

Комментарий от Aaahead

I used a Эсминец and Авианосец, each of which had equipment to counter 2 added abilities (all except the second Проклятая команда), one with a Экипаж из пандаренов (helpful, I think, on a 2 day mission) and the other with a Экипаж из дренеев (not helpful), and had a 97% chance of success.

Комментарий от frederickdeer

I have this mission and i am able to counter everything but it still only shows an 89% chance of success? Also I’ve had ship missions that fail when they show a 100% chance of success and destroyed both ships i had sent. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Комментарий от aernath

Highest chance I could get for this mission is %96

The Awakener (Counters both Battleship and Submarine) equipped with True Iron Rudder + Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer.

Random ship with Undead/Human crew (or if you have Destroyer with Undead/Human crew, match it with a Carrier with Undead/Human crew to increase success chance)
equipped with Ghostly Spyglass + Felsmoke Launcher.

Sending now… Crossing fingers… Hoping for the 2nd Heirloom ring to come…
For Alt’oholism! \o/

It failed! With %96 chance!
Man… I’m crying, two days of wait for nothing.
Well at least both ships survived, that’s something <:b
Also I can confirm it does not proc back rightaway.

Second Update:
It procced again at last, after waiting for it for weeks (literally)

I kept clearing the top right corner of the map (prio) for it to proc and meanwhile strengthened my Armada with more Undead ships.

Now I’m sending:
— Carrier (Undead Crew), Equipped with: Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer, Ghostly Spyglass
— Destroyer (Undead Crew), Equipped with: True Iron Rudder, Ghostly Spyglass
%98 chance.

But again, crossing the boney fingers of all the Undead in my crews!
This is the highest possible chance that can be get with this mission I think, if there’s not an extra Chaotic Whirlpool avoider, there isn’t more I can do with this.
I even alternated Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer and Felsmoke Launcher, chance remains at %98 tops.

But for all this time none of my ships were sunk, even with non-%100 chance missions, so maybe they gained some psychological experience? (I want to think :b)

I even have my upgrade items ready for the ring to work it til level 100.
Let’s see what happens, see you all 2 days later!

Last Update:
It sure felt like winning the lottery but I can confirm %98 worked!
Still, for not risking it, I suggest double Pandaren crew and a zone buff to make it %100.
Especially if you have a weak heart :b
Well, now all I need is the intellect ring… And Captain title.
Thanks for reading and see you all at the savage seas of Draenor! ^^

Just noticed, you can’t equip 2 Heirloom rings with different stats (like str+agi) at the same time.
Gives an error warning that says «You can only equip 1 item in the Ghost Pirate Ring category«
Adding it as a side note… QQ

Комментарий от schmilblick

This Blueprint is required to unlock the Heirloom rings rare missions for the Shipyard. just turn in the quest, no need to buy the Spyglass or equip it

Комментарий от AlexL1118

You won’t believe me, but I got 100%.

Fortunately, I had Air Superiority. When I saw that I have this buf on this mission, I started building Carrier-s till I had a Carrier with either Human Crew or Pandaren Crew. Human Crew came first. From long time ago I already had the required Destroyer of epic quality with the Human Crew. Few days of missions on the new Carrier, and it reached epic quality (because I was not lucky enough to get the new ship of epic quality with the proper crew). Then I equipped two Ghostly Spyglass-s and Evasive with First Strike on my two ships. Chaotic Whirlpools was left unbuffed. This means that after investments in the proper crew on my ships, I invested additionally 1000+1000+500+500=3000 Garrison Resources (unless you already have some of these buffing items from missions with Gnomish Crew). Thus three additional bufs (Air Superiority and 2xHuman Crew) provided me 100%.

The only problem — my Air Superiority will finish in 7 hours, while the mission will last for 2 days. Hence I’m not sure that it will stay 100% when the mission will end (though hopefully the game checks percentage at a mission start, and not at a mission end).

If I did not have Air Superiority, then I would create two ships with Pandaren Crew. I doubt that in such case I could reach 100%, but it would still be the most helpful crew in this case.

And of course, if I was thinking about fulfilling bonus mission after I prepared the proper ships, I would have less problems. But the bonus mission came earlier than this one, so I could not predict such situation.

EDIT: When Air Superiority beneath this mission expired (which happened before the mission end), the mission was still displayed as having that bonus, and with success rate 100%. And finally it finished also with 100%. This means that indeed all bufs including bonus area buf are sampled at a mission start, and last till the mission end, even if these bufs disappear outside of the mission.

Комментарий от Lanik323

With one Undead crew and one Pandaren Crew, and countering all but one Cursed Crew, sat at 99% for this mission. A double Pandaren Crew can likely hit 100% on this mission with no problem.

Комментарий от scorpion8125

This is driving me nuts.

This is the ONLY mission I have left for all achievements in the shipyard.

4 months ago, I failed on this mission at 94%.

I have never seen it again. IN FOUR MONTHS!

I have right ships and crews to nail it. My other 6 ships all have Nelf crews, so I knock out all the other missions about as fast as they spawn clearing the board 3-4 times a day.

Should I send a ticket on this?

Комментарий от Theonaron

I’ve been waiting for this mission for a couple of months now, then I finally got it on one of my characters, but it failed. I don’t know if this is a coincidence, but the day after I suddenly had the mission on 3 other characters.

Комментарий от Nightpawz

Here’s how to get 100% chance.

Dont let the house always win! Most people fail at 94% or even 96% chance.

Keep building Destroyers and Carriers until you get both with a human crew.
(I decommissioned about 6 ships before i had both).
Do missions until they are both to Epic level.

Fit them out like this:

1 Эсминец — with Экипаж из людей, Руль из истинного железа, Призрачная подзорная труба

1 Авианосец — with Экипаж из людей, Дымовая завеса Скверны, Гироскопический стабилизатор

This leaves one Проклятая команда not directly covered, but the two Human crews and the Ghostly Spyglass seem to cancel this second Проклятая команда out.
You get 100% chance of success!
Enjoy your ring! 😀

Комментарий от stingray1966

Just put this mission into action today and got 100%. Should get it if it’s 100% i hope.

Carrier = Pandaren crew + Ghostly spyglass +Felsmoke Launcher(First Strike)

Destroyer = Undead Crew +Ghostly Spyglass + True Iron Rudder(Evasion)

Комментарий от Arbatrus

I Have two ships that can make it up to 99% with Air superiority. However, I never win. There are rare times that I have two Air superiorities overlaping in this area (which could potentially bump it to 100%) but never while the quest is available.

The House does indeed always win.

Комментарий от andirhyme

>>(Do not need to counter: Dense Fog, Stormy Weather, Chaotic Whirlpools)

Below is all you need for 100% Chance for all three Heirloom naval ring missions:

(Horde) Undead Crew for both Carrier & Destroyer
(Alliance) Human Crew for both Carrier & Destroyer

Just need to counter:
—First Strike With (Дымовая завеса Скверны)
—Evasive With (Руль из истинного железа)
—Both Carrier and Destroyer for Cursed Crew With (Призрачная подзорная труба)

You can equip Руль из истинного железа on one ship and Дымовая завеса Скверны on the other one vice-versa.

Комментарий от ResoLite

This may have been mentioned before, but you must obtain the Equipment Blueprint: Ghostly Spyglass and turn in the quest for it before the heirloom ring mission will appear. I have been through months of shipyard missions up to now on a handful of alts, but never saw this rare mission until a few days ago after i finally bothered to go pick up the blueprint. Since then the mission has turned up on three alts inside three days.

It’s possible that you need to equip the spyglass to a ship for the mission to show up too, not so sure on this though (I equipped a spyglass on one of my ships right after turning in the blueprint quest).

Комментарий от AJDeBres

I achieved 100% on this without any buffs it takes.

Carrier — Epic (Mine was called «The Jade Wilson»)
Ghostly Spyglass
Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer

Destroyer — Epic (Mine was called «Whisperwind»)
True Iron Rudder
Felsmoke Launcher

Good luck.

Комментарий от Aros

Up until about a month ago I still had never seen any of the heirloom ring missions. I have only one level 100 character but I had done missions with him pretty much every day. By that time I had completed the mission for Left Shark at least six times. I tried to read up on it and there are some various theories on what is required. The main claims seems to be these requirements:
  1. Level 3 shipyard
  2. At least 675 item level on character
  3. At least 675 item level on garrison followers
  4. Equipment blueprint: Ghostly Spyglass

I’m pretty sure I have fulfilled the first three more or less since the patch 6.2 went live. Hard to be sure this long after. But I had not bothered to collect the blueprint. So now I went over to Tanaan, found Captain Ironbeard, killed him and got my blueprint.

Now as any story like this mine is all anecdotal and some will claim it’s only RNG at play but the first week after getting the blueprint I got my first mission for an heirloom ring and now I have successfully completed all three of them. I don’t know about the first three requirements but I do believe you need the blueprint or the heirloom ring missions won’t spawn.

Комментарий от scr00chy

You can get Air Superiority for this mission by doing The Neutralizer.

Комментарий от gunsotsu

any tips on how to spawn these ghostly missions? it has been 4 years! i know for the exploration mission achieve there is item you buy with crates from archaelogy. please, for crying out loud how do you get this to spawn.

Комментарий от Netspook

An addon I’m using (Master Plan, I think) is tracking these quests and lists when they were offered last. This one was offered 727 days ago, that’s more than 2 years!

I opened a ticket about it, after a short conversation with a GM, he sent me this, which is pretty much the same as he said in chat:

Hey there!

Thanks for contacting us today, this is Game Master Lavasurk, we had a conversation today in regards of your ticket and it was my pleasure to answer your questions.

As a reminder, I have checked our info about this achievement and this missiona and can’t see anything wrong, I’m afraid you just need to keep on doing available missions and wait until the proper one comes. I

If you have any other questions or you need any kind of help, please let us know — we’re more than happy to assist 🙂

Not the GM’s fault, but I’m not very happy about the situation…


Владычица волн — Миссия — World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Mogster1234

Lost this one with a 96% chance. No telling when I might get it again… /cry

Edit: I believe the only way to get 100% might be to have two Human crews, since there are 5 hazards and only 4 equipment slots. My 96% chance was with one Human crew. You will also need to kill Капитан Железнобород to get the Чертеж оборудования: призрачная подзорная труба, which sucks because it’s not a guaranteed drop.

Комментарий от Kaylun

Does anyone have any info on when you will start getting the Heirloom missions? Do they start showing up only when your shipyard is level 3? Or is it completely random? Thanks.

Комментарий от corkimus

I found this mission shortly after upgrading my naval base to level 3. I think that is a requirement for the ring quests. I have several level 2 navy bases and several level 3. Each one of the level 3 navy bases got a ring quest a few days after upgrading to level 3.

Комментарий от ambermoony

The Wave Mistress was one of the ships in Kul Tiras’ Third Fleet, which was destroyed by Dragonmaw Orcs on Red Dragons during the Second War. It was also referenced in a now-obsolete quest The Third Fleet.

Комментарий от huldu

Oh… for crying out loud, these heirloom rings appear as SWORDS on the map? I’ve always been looking for a chest, ie item. Well, guess I’ve missed at least one of these over the last month.

Комментарий от Apennyworth

This was my first heirloom ring mission to show up, 133 days after 6.2 launch, using 12 level 100s that all have completed their level 3 shipyard. Do yourself a favor and level two Pandaren crews for this (I used 1 panda + 1 undead and only got to 99%).

Комментарий от Sarcisspvp

Is there anything we can do that might increase the chances of spawning this mission? 8,571 missions and this one still won’t show up.

Комментарий от Undreadll

On December 1, 2015 the spawn rates of these rare missions were increased:


«Rare Naval Missions have an increased chance to appear.»

From my own experience, since this hotfix a couple of days ago, I have received this heirloom ring mission (the last one I still need), the mount mission and the 2000 gold mission across the 4 characters I actually do Shipyard missions on.

So it seems the chance has been increased quite a bit.

Комментарий от andirhyme

>>(Do not need to counter: Dense Fog, Stormy Weather, Chaotic Whirlpools)

Below is all you need for 100% Chance for all three Heirloom naval ring missions:

(Horde) Undead Crew for both Carrier & Destroyer
(Alliance) Human Crew for both Carrier & Destroyer

Just need to counter:
—First Strike With (Дымовая завеса Скверны)
—Evasive With (Руль из истинного железа)
—Both Carrier and Destroyer for Cursed Crew With (Призрачная подзорная труба)

You can equip Руль из истинного железа on one ship and Дымовая завеса Скверны on the other one vice-versa.

Комментарий от pat33

Since last patch 6.2.3 I never saw any »cursed crew» missions, been at it everyday

Комментарий от Aros

Up until about a month ago I still had never seen any of the heirloom ring missions. I have only one level 100 character but I had done missions with him pretty much every day. By that time I had completed the mission for Left Shark at least six times. I tried to read up on it and there are some various theories on what is required. The main claims seems to be these requirements:
  1. Level 3 shipyard
  2. At least 675 item level on character
  3. At least 675 item level on garrison followers
  4. Equipment blueprint: Ghostly Spyglass

I’m pretty sure I have fulfilled the first three more or less since the patch 6.2 went live. Hard to be sure this long after. But I had not bothered to collect the blueprint. So now I went over to Tanaan, found Captain Ironbeard, killed him and got my blueprint.

Now as any story like this mine is all anecdotal and some will claim it’s only RNG at play but the first week after getting the blueprint I got my first mission for an heirloom ring and now I have successfully completed all three of them. I don’t know about the first three requirements but I do believe you need the blueprint or the heirloom ring missions won’t spawn.

Комментарий от Zeldeza

I’ve yet to actually see this mission appear and it’s the only one I need until my shipyard achievements are complete.

Комментарий от eternalbliss

Failed one of these with 97% chance and everything countered except the chaotic whirlpool.. very HEAVILY rng-based.. there is just no way you should fail with that high of a %success chance and everything countered. (it didn’t even matter if i countered whirlpool or not, stuck at 97%)

Комментарий от kinnra

Anyone else having issues on getting the mission to pop up? It has been over 143 days since i first seen the mission. I have done all treasure missions and still nothing..

Комментарий от ThisGuy83

Dose this quest repeat itself by any chance if you already beat it?

I would really like to know since this Heirloom disappear from my WoW account dew to my account getting transferred to different Blizzard account.

Комментарий от DarkLordMagus

I don’t know if they improved the chances for this mission but I was able to get a success win at 94%.

Комментарий от whquaint

Is the Wowhead map above correct in that this mission only appears in the upper-right quadrant?

Комментарий от 360fov

3 days ago the quest for Admiral Taylor’s Taylor’s Loyalty Ring finally spawned. Collected my reward yesterday … began clearing quests once again, and this quest has now popped up. Not sure if I just got lucky, or the fact that I got one ring has now increased the spawn change of the other ring missions.


Абордаж «Зова хозяина» — Миссия

Комментарий от heradura

Running aground on a mysterious shrouded island during a naval battle?

Farahlon = mini-Pandaria

Комментарий от orleadan

You’ve run Gul’dan’s flagship aground, but now all her guns are trained toward the sea. Prepare for the worst.

Since when has gul’dan changed his gender?

Комментарий от rob1n3tt

I might be missing something, but even with 3x epic ships, countering everything except the Expert Captains, and then filling out the rest with bonus success chance perks, I still can’t get above 99% success chance. Not even with 3x Human Crews for that 3% extra success chance.

Комментарий от Hallwacker

Just got this mission on live servers, sent it out with 77% and instantly completed it with a mission order, since they said legendary missions stay even if you fail them. However, the mission disappeared from my map after I failed it. Will it return soon or should I make a ticket?

Edit: Reappeared after 2 days.

Комментарий от tobywan

Just completed this with 92% and mission complete orders 🙂

Комментарий от Walkerfin

Im Guybrush Threedwood mighty pirate ™! I Challenge Gul`dan ship for sword insult fight! You fight like a cow! Before i start my mission with useless crew (Otis still sunbathing and Meathhook asking me do i know what keelhaul means) i need to go Puerto poello port to get better cannons that guy who was selling juice at mug what has hole. He sells cannon now. (end of monkey island joke here) I gonna name one my ships to Guybrush. Im also in this part now. Quest is not showed my map since i just done part 4. Please if others has some advice i cuold use them. So far i never failed any Legendary naval quest since i keep my succces rate high. Last one was 94%. Did all 4 part navals without wowhead help but now i shuold used to it since i want only VICTORY! (also i wanna pirate treasures their holds too) .Edit: Hell that name is hard to type right XD no wonder lucas art was also making funny of it so much too lol.Edit 2: i keep editing this message since i make lot s of spelling errors :(. Edit 3: I have Pathfinder achievement done and dock are 2lvl. Librarycard quest i got 3/33 now. as for 3 lvl dock progress now is 14/25.. Ilvl in my 100lvl Balance druid is 674. As for raid part this far i done lfr tool. I got guild but not patiance at all so i just need wait lfr .( good thing legendary quest work lfr tool but progress is very slow. I hope not all players has these kinda iisues what i dealing with. Epic and vereeeery long adventure here XD. Good thing i can say very casual players: dont lose hope we can do it! Last ages but least we have cool story to tell! Also to getting trough Proving grounds silver was epic quest to. It took 2 months to passed it as dps and even then it was pure luck. My guild keep told me i do sometinhg serisoly wrong :/ No idea what is issue really. Blizzard dont give play hints and im not this this far find solution. and GM`s of Blizzard dont solve these kinda issues. Still i managed my quests but i wish to do real raids too. This starting to go off topic so i stop here. I just wish wow is more team play like it was before.

Комментарий от Marhault

I’ve had a level three shipyard for over a week now and have not seen this mission spawn. Wondering if it is supposed to be there as soon as you get a level three shipyard or if you have to wait for the unmerciful RNG god to give you it on your board?

Комментарий от dailydoseofjosh

Anyone know if any of the air superiority or fearless privateer mission buffs can apply to the area this quest is under?

Комментарий от Walkerfin

Lol 6- and 16- here. You People obvisoly dont care to heard good story.

Комментарий от Manifoldgodhead

Is anyone not failing this mission and losing all three ships on their first attempt?

95%, all three ships lost. I get RNG and all but this seems to be a very high chance to fail and a very high chance to lose ships.

Комментарий от Shivacode

Worth noting that you don’t need level 3 shipyard to beat this mission. It can pop up with a level 2 shipyard provided you beat all the other legendary missions, and you can counter it with an Awakener ship from Order of the Awakened exalted.

Комментарий от AveryZan

Ok I didn’t see it listed any where but you actually do not need to upgrade the shipyard to tier 3 for the legendary chain (I am not saying you shouldn’t, you can play this how you want but for my third alt I really did not care at all about the shipyard and just wanted to be done with it, and skipping the 25 treasure missions will save you quite a bit of time)

Personally found the shipyard a total drag to do on multiple characters especially alts with low resources. So what I ended up doing on my alt (wasnt sure if it would work) I just yoloed all the earlier missions to get to tier 2. When it came time to doing the legendary missions I would put spare parts on them to increase my odds and use my mage tower scroll. i got lucky up until the very last one (did not have Carrier ships) It took me 3 tries and lost a couple ships but I did get it doing this way and saved me a whole lot of head ache compared to grinding out the ships and not even being a full 100 percent on my other chars. Good luck getting this done!

Комментарий от vagos1990

It’s been 3 days since i completed the previous mission to this one and i still haven’t seen this one. Do you need the part of the map this mission appears in, to be clear of other missions for it to appear?

Комментарий от Sinfuldeath

Wondering if this mission is repeatable after a successful completion…. I remember getting a navel mission with a map right after I reached lvl 2 shipyard and received a grey map as a reward. Now I need a map for the legendary quest and have been waiting for it to pop for several weeks. I currently have a lvl 3 shipyard.

Комментарий от Kvasi

The second try the duration was only 1 day.

Комментарий от namic85

On my first attempt with 94% success chance, the mission failed, luckily i didnt lose any ship. Now worried to try it second time

Комментарий от Opalflash

Just gave it a try with 81% chance and no carrier (17/25 treasure missions) and boom! success. Omg RNG. Good luck all.

Комментарий от iIIumnati

This mission is similar to the following 3 heirloom ring missions:

1] The House Always Wins
2] For Hate’s Sake
3] The Wave Mistress

The similarity is that it requires a high percentage chance to succeed. For «normal» missions, a high percentage is good, but for these missions, you need a very high chance to win. For a typical Garrison mission, an 85% chance means just that, 85%, pretty good. But for these missions, 85% is not good. You will be very lucky if you succeed on this mission with an 85% success chance.

I have figured out a way to get this to 100% chance, but it would not be practical to implement, due to the bizzare circumstance required. It would require, for example, the following:

1] Carrier with Felsmoke Launcher + Sonic Amplifier + Human Crew.
2] Battleship with a True Iron Rudder + Automated Sky Launcher + Human Crew.
3] Destroyer with a True Iron Rudder + Ammo Reserves + Human Crew.

This would depend on you building a new ship with it’s original special counter and leaving it that way. Not to mention the other multiple possibilities.

I found another way to get this one to 100%, but it requires three Panda driven ships.

1] Carrier with Felsmoke Launcher + Panda Crew.
2] Battleship with a True Iron Rudder + Trained Shark Tank + Panda Crew.
3] Destroyer with a True Iron Rudder + Panda Crew.

But I have also found a way to get it to 99%, 98%, and 96%.
I will leave these as exercises for you.

At this point in your naval career let us hope that your navy has focused on elf ships for speed and gnome ships for acquiring naval equipment. So now you have 40,000 oil and 6 of each naval equipment, except ghostly spyglass which you always keep 2 of on hand available at any point in time.

With your over abundance of garrison resources, you luckily purchased many of the Rush Order: Shipyard tokens, so that you can decommission and build a replacement ship in short order appropriate to your naval needs.

Ideally, you want to complete these missions faster, so you employ elves. But, elves may fail you for some of these missions. Fire them, hire Pandas and Humans to do your bidding, then fire them and hire back the elves when you’re done.

When you complete all naval mission, your end game will be to focus on collecting gold.

Комментарий от SweetJohnnyCage

I want to add that you do NOT need a level 3 shipyard in order to complete «Boarding the Master’s Call». I completed it with a level 2 shipyard with a 73% chance of completion. Not sure the fleet as I just took a stab at it before finishing my 24th and 25th treasure missions.


Морские просторы — Достижение — World of Warcraft

Комментарий от Aggroculture

Is there a «trick» to get these to spawn or is it the ol’ clear the missions available and cross your fingers strat? I’ve been at 3/6 for over 2 months now, have never seen the other 3 spawn that I know of.

Комментарий от oscarucb

12/22/15 Update: A hotfix on 12/22/15 has made the achievement criteria for the mount and heirlooms give account-wide credit. There is currently no indication of this in the UI, but if your account has completed all the rare missions spread across alts, you will now be awarded the achievement upon logging in to the appropriate characters. The bug is now fixed!

NOTE: There is still no account-wide credit for the two missions that reward a pet (Orphaned Animal Rescue) and quest item (Black Market Journal), so you still need to have completed both of those on a single character, but those were never affected by the bug (so that’s relatively easy)

The Problem:
It appears the naval missions that reward heirlooms will stop spawning once an account has learned these items. However, the achievement progress is per-character, not account-wide. This means that once you’ve completed an heirloom mission on two different alts, Морские просторы becomes unobtainable for your account.

The Solution:
Blizzard really needs to make the achievement criteria use account-wide progress to fix this issue.
Please help complain by adding your «same problem here» replies to this bug report forum thread:

The Details:
I’ve personally completed over 4000 naval missions across seven characters. My conclusions are based on observations from myself and many others I’ve spoken to.

Specifically, the rare naval missions that create this problem are:
— Заведение всегда выигрывает (heirloom reward)
— Во имя ненависти (heirloom reward)
— Владычица волн (heirloom reward)

Note the two missions that reward a pet (Спасение брошенных обитателей моря) and quest item (Книга учета черного рынка), commonly spawn multiple times even for the same character, so those are not part of the problem. There are reports that the mount mission (Это корабль… нет, самолет… нет… Это просто речное чудище.) can also spawn multiple times per account, although it seems to be significantly more rare.

Also note it is possible (though unlikely) for the same heirloom mission you’ve never completed to spawn simultaneously on two different characters (and completing one will not remove the available mission from the other character’s board). This appears to be the only way to get a «duplicate» heirloom reward and achievement credit for the same mission on two different alts. However this is both unlikely and also not exploitable to obtain the achievement once your account has fallen into the unobtainable status.

Players who have this achievement are usually only those with a single active shipyard on their account — or those with enough luck or foresight to never complete an heirloom or mount mission on an alt. Until the bug is fixed, the best way to avoid falling into this trap is to NEVER complete an heirloom mission on an alt — just ignore that mission on your alt and it will eventually expire (and can even pop on other toons before that, provided you don’t complete it).

Комментарий от Seiya2

Have anyone got a 6th quest (repeated or different) on a single character, im stuck on 5 (Black market repeated once) and im still missing pet and mount on my main (only have gotten pet on alts) and i havent got another quest for i bet now 2-3 months. Thanks for the tips about stopping trying to get the mount on alts, and since im only missing pet and mount, if they do account wide i will be only missing mount on main… hope anyone know if this is bugged or im just insane unlucky. By the way, i always clear all treasure chests, all bonus and all combat (only southwest corner), where mount and pet spawns

Комментарий от Dreaminglory

November 30 hotfix:

Rare naval missions should now appear more frequently.


Комментарий от Mormolyce

Is it REALLY so hard to flag achievements like this as account-wide progress?

Why isn’t account wide progress the default setting, and only changed to character-level progress if there is a damn good reason for it?

Комментарий от disaster77

They may have made this account-wide as of today? I had completed all of them on separate toons and I got this achievement today. The achievement does not have a blue border around it however.

Комментарий от gverderamo

I can not, for the life of me, get ‘The Wave Mistress to pop. I have completed 580+ naval missions and this damn thing just will not pop. Not once has it ever popped and I am getting frustrated because it is the only one I need for this stupid achievement.


Прокладка курса — Достижение — World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Noctuliun

Atm this achievement seems bugged. I have completed the Orphaned Aquatic Animal Rescue, obtained the pet of it, but it doesn’t show as marked on the meta achievement. Let’s hope it will award it once 3 (or 6) have been completed.

Комментарий от Kydan

Be prepared to get frustrated on completing this achievement. I’ve had some unfortunate RNG blow ups at high % mission rates.

I’ve managed to get an all epic fleet at level 2 shipyard, but without spending garrison resources to spec each vessel per rare mission, you are going to have to have some patience.

Best of luck to you sailors…

Комментарий от rodmaan

so these rare missions seem to be indeed very rare. On 4 characters I play regularly, I got the shark mission on 3 characters, and the black market journal on one character, the rest is yet to be seen.

Perhaps I’m the super unlucky guy.

Комментарий от Rotorua

It does seem the rare missions are indeed RARE for the Shipyard, I came here hoping to see complete «X» of some type of mission….. must be all RNG, Goodluck All

Комментарий от Sindorein1124

Is it known if a level 3 shipyard is required for these rare missions? I’m hoping to increase my chances of getting all of the heirloom rings by getting my alts running shipyards, but the grind from level 2 to level 3 is rough for characters I hardly play.

Комментарий от TegoZanduba

As of November 30, 2015, Rare missions should appear more frequently via a hotfix (source).

As of Dec 22, 2015, the rare missions give credit account wide. If you got one of the rings on an alt, all characters have credit for getting the ring quests now. No source of this fix yet, but verified in-game.

Should no longer take 6+ months to get this achievement.

Комментарий от disaster77

Today I got this achievement on several characters that don’t even have a shipyard.

Комментарий от Aamunkajo

I’ve had this achievement for quite a while now. And then suddenly, on 22nd December, all my alts got the Fleet Commader’s Hat, too. (Even the one who is only lvl 95.) Any idea what’s up with that?

Комментарий от Hemingray

Today, when I logged into each of my alts, this achievement dinged and a Fleet Commander’s Hat was waiting for me in the mailbox from Merreck Vonder. I had only unlocked this achievement on my main. Possible bug?

Комментарий от Yairdv

Today, suddenly the «its a boat…riverbeast» step of this achievement disappeared, hopefully its just a bug cuz Im only missing 1 mission for the achievement!

Комментарий от militia

Completed the achievement today and only the character that got the achievement had the hat mailed to them. NONE of my alts received a hat. So if you started clearing the naval map to try and proc rare missions (like me) because you wanted swanky hats for your alts, it looks like this was a bug and is now fixed.

Комментарий от Mondoblasto

From: Merreck Vonder
Subject: Charting a Course — Alliance


You have proven yourself to be an excellent commander of our fleet. Take this gift as a token of my appreciation.

Wear it proudly.

—Merreck Vonder

Комментарий от Dharay

After been in contact with a GM I’ve got an answer to why some get the hat reward on all their characters while others do not.
One of the rare missions doesn’t get flagged correctly for the achievment. So if you do three missions and one being that mission it doesn’t trigger as it should. Causing only that character to get the hat.
This is rather easy solved though. All you need to do is do 1 more rare mission for that achievment and it shall trigger as it’s supposed to. Which is granting all your charactes the hat. This is not a bug, you not geting the hat is the bug.

I had the issue with not geting the hat but after I had talked to the GM I got one of the heirloom ring missions and after I did that the hat appeared on my other characters.

Enjoy your fancy hat everyone!

Комментарий от Ilaya

Due to recent hotfix all missions in this achievement, except for Black Market Journal and Orphaned Aquatic Animal Rescue, are account-wide when completed (still have to be done by one character). It seems that to get a Fleet Commander’s Hat for all characters, those account-wide criteria should be completed. Otherwise, only one char gets the hat.

Info taken here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/19648725176


Прокладка курса — Достижение — World of Warcraft

Краткая информация


Комментарий от nirv

So I have Naval Mechanics, Naval Treasure Expert, Naval Siege Specialist, and Naval Combat Expert but I have yet to do a single rare mission in the game. How many years do I have to wait to be able to get a single one? This sucks.

View post on imgur.com

Комментарий от Grilor

i have gotten 1 and i have never seen any other. the RNG in wow sometime SUCKS

Комментарий от 438234

I’ve completed four rare missions… aaaand I’m at 2/6. Getting Orphaned Aquatic Animal Rescue three times in a row sucks almost as much as this achievement 🙁

Комментарий от Sklixe

«Battlecruiser operational. All crews reporting. Hailing frequencies open. Receiving transmission. Good day, commander. Chart a course. Take it slow. Make it happen. Engage!»

Комментарий от Pwuebear

It’s even more aggravating that the missions disappear if you fail them…

Комментарий от Alshandar

Remember…not all rare missions contribute to the achievment. For instance «All Fel Breaks Loose» doesn’t contribute. I’ve gotten one so far and succeeded so now I can see what’s on the Black Market AH in my garrison so I don’t have to travel there to check.

Комментарий от Sindorein1124

Is it known if a level 3 shipyard is required for these rare missions? I’m hoping to increase my chances of getting all of the heirloom rings by getting my alts running shipyards, but the grind from level 2 to level 3 is rough for characters I hardly play.

Комментарий от Sarthorius

Probably need the Naval Bonus Specialist to make other ones appear?

Комментарий от rweagle

As soon as I achieved Fleet Commander it unlocked a new rare mission On the Rocks, but that rare mission isn’t part of the achievement.

Комментарий от sugglekitten

How do you identify if a mission is a «Rare» one? Maybe hey are poorly marks and we keep missing it? I my self have none and i have a lvl 3 ship yard.


Комментарий от momma3

I have gotten 2 so far so yay me

Комментарий от TegoZanduba

As of November 30, 2015, Rare missions should appear more frequently via a hotfix (source).

Should no longer take 6+ months to get this achievement.

Комментарий от ZsadistNazjatar

I was able to complete my second and third mission the last three days. Did they maybe increase the chance to receive such a mission? Would like to know if you guys also experience the same.

Комментарий от Melandroso

Upon logging in this evening (after having been online learlier today), all my alts (horde and alliance) got this achievement. They have not done ship missions in ages (and some of them have only done the starting ones (they do not have the ship mission table in the garrison), so not really sure what is happening.

They now all have «For Hate’s Sake», «The Wave Mistress» and «The House Always Wins» noted as completed.

My main got this a while back, so no achievement for her (still waiting for that Riverbeast…)

Комментарий от weibe23

after patch 6.2.0 i got all the missions for this achieve except Это корабль… нет, самолет… нет… Это просто речное чудище. prior to patch 6.2.2

then for the next 3 months nothing, now after a supposed hotfix i have gotten Спасение брошенных обитателей моря over 6 times on my three 100’s and now a 7th time tonite.

looking at various servers AHs where i have players scattered there is a flood of Левая акула and i have seen them as low as 50 silver

i believe the shipyard missions bugged on either patch 6.2.2 and following hotfixes, i believe ship missions related to this achieve are still bugged even after the recent hotfix

Комментарий от Talaria

Ролош Преследователь Волн sends you a ingame mail after you earned Прокладка курса which contains Шляпа командира флота (not the one linked in the achievement discription of Wowhead) and the following text:

The next achievement is Морские просторы.

Комментарий от Dharay

After been in contact with a GM I’ve got an answer to why some get the hat reward on all their characters while others do not.
One of the rare missions doesn’t get flagged correctly for the achievment. So if you do three missions and one being that mission it doesn’t trigger as it should. Causing only that character to get the hat.
This is rather easy solved though. All you need to do is do 1 more rare mission for that achievment and it shall trigger as it’s supposed to. Which is granting all your charactes the hat. This is not a bug, you not geting the hat is the bug.

I had the issue with not geting the hat but after I had talked to the GM I got one of the heirloom ring missions and after I did that the hat appeared on my other characters.

Enjoy your fancy hat everyone!

Комментарий от GreyPanda

I just received this achievement on my brand new Level 1 Tauren Druid. Hu?

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Островные экспедиции в WoW: Battle for Azeroth. Быть пиратом никогда еще не было так увлекательно! | RankBrain.ru

Обзор островных экспедиций: как начать и какие могут быть награды

Островные экспедиции — это сценарии на трех человек, добавленные в Battle For Azeroth. Целью экспедиции является сбор азерита на ранее неизведанном острове. Способ его получения выбирают сами игроки. Каждый убитый противник, открытый сундук и выполненное задание дают определенное количество азерита, который собирается на вашем корабле. Островные экспедиции являются самым эффективным способом прокачки «Сердца Азерот».

Неизведанные острова полны опасностей. Неожиданные противники, от кобольдов и мурлоков до драконов и безликих, могут застать врасплох.

Однако, знакомые лица тоже присутствуют на островах. Команда противоположной фракции также обнаружила остров и прибыла на него с целью захватить находящийся на нем азерит. Нельзя допустить, чтобы она опередила вас!

Данное руководство расскажет, что представляют из себя островные экспедиции и какие в них можно получить награды.

Первые шаги

Перед тем, как начать экспедиции с другими игроками, необходимо выполнить цепочку заданий, обучающую основным механикам экспедиций. Данная цепочка становится доступной на 116 уровне после установки двух плацдармов на острове противоположной фракции в ходе выполнения «Военной кампании». При выполнении этих условий вы получите задание «Азеритовое преимущество», являющееся началом цепочки.

В финальном задании «Островная экспедиция» вы отправитесь на остров в одиночку для того, чтобы собрать небольшое количество азерита. Методы сбора те же, что будут использоваться в дальнейшем на островных экспедициях.

Цепочка выполняется один раз на аккаунт. После ее выполнения все ваши персонажи от 110 уровня и выше смогут принимать участие в островных экспедициях на обычном уровне сложности.

Поднять паруса!

Вы можете участвовать в островных экспедициях столько раз, сколько пожелаете — на это нет никаких ограничений. Награды не уменьшаются после первого прохождения. Исключением является еженедельный квест, требующий собрать 40 тысяч азерита в экспедициях.Встать в очередь на островную экспедицию можно по координатам:

  • Боралус (66.6, 33.4) — для персонажей Альянса.
  • Дазар’алор (44.5, 95.3) — для персонажей Орды.

Карта экспедиции

Интерфейс Карты экспедиции дает много информации о том, чего следует ожидать от островных экспедиций на каждой конкретной неделе:

  • Прогресс еженедельного квеста: в самом верху Карты экспедиции находится полоса, показывающая собранный на данной неделе азерит. Для того, чтобы выполнить задание, необходимо собрать 40000. Как только полоска заполнится, вы получите награду, отмеченную в ее конце. Если вы не успеете завершить задание в течении недели, весь собранный азерит перенесется на следующую. Так будет происходить до тех пор, пока задание не будет выполнено. В этом случае на новой неделе счетчик задания сбросится до нуля, и награду можно будет получить снова.
  • Острова: центр Карты экспедиции содержит названия островов, которые вы можете посетить на данной неделе, а также набросок Карты острова. Каждую неделю доступно только три различных острова.
  • Основной тип противников: на карте каждого острова также будет присутствовать изображение расы существ, которые будут попадаться на этом острове наиболее часто. Этот параметр действителен в течении недели.
  • Базовая награда: наведя мышку на иконку сложности внизу Карты экспедиции можно увидеть минимальную гарантированную награду за победу в островной экспедиции на данной сложности.

Уровни сложности

Существует четыре различных уровня сложности островных экспедиций: обычный, героический, эпохальный и PvP. Обычный режим доступен сразу после открытия возможности участвовать в экспедициях. Героический открывается при достижении 120 уровня и как минимум 295 среднего уровня предметов. В очередь на экспедицию в обычном и героическом режиме можно вставать в одиночку. При этом экспедиции в эпохальном и PvP режиме требуют заранее собранной группы из трех человек. Дополнительно, эпохальный режим требует минимум 315 среднего уровня предметов для каждого персонажа, режим PvP — 295.

В обычном, героическом и эпохальном режиме островных экспедиций игроки будут соревноваться за владение азеритом с командой из противоположной фракции, контролируемой «Продвинутым ИИ», разработанным Blizzard. Этот искусственный интеллект способен имитировать особенности игры человека, он категорически отличается от всех других НИП-ов. В режиме PvP команда противника будет состоять из трех игроков противоположной фракции.

Обычный режим:

  • Никаких требований помимо выполнения обучающей цепочки заданий.
  • Можно встать в очередь как в одиночку, так и в группе до трех человек.
  • Необходимо собрать 6000 азерита.

Героический режим:

  • Требуется минимум 295 средний уровень экипировки персонажа.
  • Можно встать в очередь как в одиночку, так и в группе до трех человек.
  • Здоровье и урон, наносимый существами, повышены максимум на 100% относительно обычного режима.
  • Необходимо собрать 9000 азерита.
  • Все источники дают на 50% больше азерита.

Эпохальный режим:

  • Требуется минимум 315 средний уровень экипировки персонажа.
  • Необходима заранее собранная группа из трех человек.
  • Здоровье и урон, наносимый существами, повышены максимум на 200% относительно обычного режима.
  • Необходимо собрать 12000 азерита.
  • Все источники дают на 100% больше азерита.


  • Требуется минимум 295 средний уровень экипировки персонажа.
  • Доступны PvP-таланты.
  • Необходима заранее собранная группа из трех человек.
  • Здоровье и урон, наносимый существами, повышены максимум на 100% относительно обычного режима.
  • Необходимо собрать 12000 азерита.
  • Все источники дают на 100% больше азерита.

Помимо ускоренного выполнения заданий «Азерит для Альянса» / «Азерит для Орды», наиболее высокие уровни сложности островных экспедиций являются источником дополнительных наград, таких как ездовые животные и игрушки. Победа в экспедиции в режиме PvP дает 10 Очков завоевания в добавок ко всем наградам эпохального режима.



Островные экспедиции созданы с целью быть одним из самых эффективных способов получения азерита для прокачки «Сердца Азерот». Азерит, который игроки собирают в ходе экспедиции не идет им прямо в руки, а направляется на нужды их фракции. Однако, игроки не остаются с пустыми руками.

Источники азерита для «Сердца Азерот» с островных экспедиций:

  • Еженедельный квест «Азерит для Альянса» / «Азерит для Орды». 2500 азерита.
  • Бонус за победу. Чем выше сложность, тем больше будет этот бонус. Максимум 300 азерита в эпохальном и PvP-режиме.
  • Редкие предметы, дающие задание. Иногда по окончанию матча вы можете получить предмет, отправляющий вас на задание. Наградой за выполнение этого задания будет 750 азерита.

Задание «Азерит для Альянса» / «Азерит для Орды» дается каждую неделю автоматически. Оно скрыто и не занимает места в списке заданий. Прогресс выполнения задания можно увидеть в интерфейсе Карты экспедиции, используемой для того, чтобы встать в очередь на экспедицию. Как только необходимое количество азерита было собрано, задание можно будет завершить, получив награду.

Азерит, собранный во время островных экспедиций, идет в прогресс выполнения задания. Например, победа в экспедиции в обычном уровне сложности прибавит 6000 к счетчику задания. Чем выше уровень сложности экспедиции, тем больше требуемое количество азерита для победы и тем меньше необходимо сыграть матчей для выполнения задания. Даже если вы проиграете, весь собранный в ходе матча азерит будет засчитан.

Если вы не выполните задание на данной неделе, весь собранный азерит перенесется на следующую. Например, если вы собрали в течении недели 25000 азерита, на следующей вам будет нужно собрать лишь 15000 из требуемых 40000. Однако, как только вы завершите задание и получите награду, вы больше не сможете накапливать азерит, необходимый для выполнения задания до следующей недели.

Получение азерита за победу в экспедиции не менее эффективно, несмотря на его меньшее количество. В зависимости от уровня сложности, наградой за победу является вплоть до 300 азерита. Эта награда не уменьшается после первой победы в день, как в случае подземелий. Первое случайное героическое подземелье в день также вручает 300 азерита, но последующие — лишь 150.

Награды за задания, полученные от предметов

С небольшой вероятностью при завершении островной экспедиции, будь то победа или поражение, вы можете получить один из особых предметов. Некоторые из них дают задание. Наградой за него может быть азерит или репутация с определенной фракцией. Другие предметы можно повторно сдавать определенному НИП-у.Например, «Слеза Азерот» дает 250 очков репутации с «Защитниками Азерот», а «Золотой жук» — 250 очков репутации с «Экспедицией Таланджи». Другие предметы, такие как «Безупречная черная чешуйка» и «Шерсть друида» позволяют получить задание, наградой за которое, как правило, является азерит.

Ездовые животные, небоевые питомцы и предметы для трансмогрификации

Островные экспедиции также являются источником огромного количества таких наград, как ездовые животные, питомцы и предметы для трансмогрификации. Они выдаются случайным образом по окончанию матча.

Ездовые животные:

  • «Сумеречный мститель»
  • «Медуза-волнолов»
  • «Крепкорогий скальный прыгун»
  • «Бессмертная гончая Циньшо»
  • «Чирик»


  • «Ритуальный барабан племени Умгат»
  • «Свеча из воска для усов»
  • «Банан с плохим моджо»
  • «Отрастающая гроздь бананов»
  • «Волшебный обезьяний банан»
  • «Заколдованный суповой камень»
  • «Яунгольская нефтяная печь»
  • «Светящийся шар цзинь-юй»

Небоевые питомцы:

  • «Капитан Шишка»
  • «Абордажка»
  • «Барнаби»
  • «Поро»
  • «Чернило»
  • «Возьминог»
  • «Яркочешуйчатый змееныш»
  • «Кровокаменный туннельщик»
  • «Волноскок из племени Холодного Сияния»
  • «Вору’карский пиявец»
  • «Юный куньчун»
  • «Молодая океанская макрура»
  • «Фырч»
  • «Теленок мускусного яка»
  • «Крепкохватик»
  • «Краб-блестяшник»
  • «Огненный насмешник»
  • «Юный чертополошник»
  • «Каменный хохотун»
  • «Кусачий морозец»
  • «Копытце»
  • «Шаловливый ветерок»
  • «Пеплоткачик»
  • «Скорпид-смертежал»
  • «Лжекрепкорук»
  • «Скальный козленок»
  • «Песчаный скарабейник»
  • «Трутик»

Комплекты брони для трансмогрификации:

  • Паук-послушник. Альтернативная расцветка 12-го тира Чернокнижника
  • Гидраксиан. Альтернативная расцветка 12-го тира Жреца
  • Морозный ветер. Альтернативная расцветка 12-го тира Мага
  • Безликий последователь. 13-й тир Чернокнижника из поиска рейда, доступный всем классам
  • Злобный рой. Альтернативная расцветка 19-го тира Чернокнижника
  • Призрачная ветвь. Альтернативная расцветка 12-го тира Друида
  • Мирный путь. Альтернативная расцветка 14-го тира Монаха
  • Странник туманов. Новый комплект брони
  • Танцующий дервиш. Альтернативная расцветка 11-го тира Разбойника
  • Прочная кора. 14-й тир Друида из поиска рейда, доступный всем классам
  • Живой огонь. Альтернативная расцветка 11-го тира Друида
  • Лихой мародер. 14-й тир Охотника, доступный всем классам
  • Наездник на драконе. Новый комплект брони
  • Саурок. 15-й тир Охотника, доступный всем классам
  • Мррглурггл. Альтернативная расцветка 11-го тира Охотника
  • Собиратель голов. 13-й тир Шамана из поиска рейда, доступный всем классам
  • Охотник вуду. Альтернативная расцветка кольчуги Амани
  • Пляшущие камни. Альтернативная расцветка 11-го тира Воина
  • Острый плавник. Альтернативная расцветка 12-го тира Паладина
  • Хранитель гробницы. 15-й тир Воина из поиска рейда, доступный всем классам
  • Дружинник Кровавого Киля. Новый комплект брони
  • Гремящие кости. Альтернативная расцветка лат Амани
  • Сумеречный дракон. 13-й тир Воина, доступный всем классам


На островных экспедициях можно выполнить множество разнообразных достижений. Выполнив все, вы получите звание «Глава экспедиции».

В список достижений входят:

  • «Покоритель островов»: успешно завершите экспедицию на каждом из островов в эпохальном режиме.
  • «Азеритовый адмирал»: соберите 1000000 единиц азерита в островных экспедициях.
  • «Чит на энергию»: соберите 30 сгустков энергии азерита в островных экспедициях.
  • «Постой, я послушаю»: выполните перечисленные задания в островных экспедициях.
  • «Дублонодетектор»: добудьте 100 дублонов мореплавателя.
  • «Буря в зверинце»: получите всех питомцев в островных экспедициях.
  • «Рука помощи»: спасите всех исследователей в островных экспедициях.
  • «Командная схватка»: победите всех перечисленных героев противоположной фракции.
  • «Гроза островов»: успешно завершите экспедицию на каждом из островов в PvP-режиме.
  • «Экспедиционный эксперт»: успешно завершите 50 островных экспедиций в эпохальном режиме.
  • «Отъявленный «исследователь»»: успешно завершите 50 островных экспедиций в PvP-режиме.


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